About us

When you’re looking for the best seat at any stadium or live event venue, you’re looking for the expertise of the SeatSecrets team.

We are passionate about live events that bring people together.


years of experience in live events and entertainment

We never intended to build the leading sports and live entertainment venue review site. But after spending hours combing through forums, reviewing official websites, and searching through conflicting information, we knew there had to be a better way to help sports, music, theater, and events fans find the information they need.

Time is short and money is precious. We help you save both by providing real, in-depth reviews of sports stadiums, music festivals, theater venues, live immersive events, and more. From the biggest sporting events of the year to traveling pop-up shows, we’re proud to be your trusted source for the best seats for every show.

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Our Mission Is To enable unforgettable memories

The right tickets make all the difference. We’re here for your saver seats, your VIP experiences, and everything in between.

Unbiased, unvarnished opinions

You can trust that what you read on SeatSecrets is thoroughly researched, personally reviewed, and based on our unbiased opinions. Venues can never pay for a good review, so you know that what you read is the actual truth.

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